Sustainable procurement barometer
Since 2012, ECPAR’s Sustainable procurement barometer has been an essential reference tool, evaluating the performance of organizations in responsible purchasing every four years. This comprehensive diagnosis allows you to measure your progress through four key components and seventeen indicators. The Barometer provides a precise inventory of responsible purchasing practices in Canada. The results of this edition, collected between October 15 and December 31, will be published in a report in spring 2025.
Find out about our new and improved tools!
- A four-part integrated questionnaire
- New components and streamlined indicators
- Resources and tools to help you answer the Barometer questionnaire from October 15 to December 31, 2024
Integrated Barometer for every organisation...
- Large organisations
- Small and medium-sized organisations
- Public bodies
- Food sector organisations
Four new components
- Vision and challenges
- Involvement and governance
- Implementation
- Measures and disclosure
Upcoming Steps

Rewatch the Launch Webinar
Get the definitions of key words in sustainable procurement for a better understanding of the terms and concepts.
Frequently asked questions
Find out the answers to respondent’s frequently asked questions, and fill out the questionnaire with ease.
Get in touch
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at the following address: SPBarometer@ecpar.org.
Innovative Methodology
The Barometer methodology is developed in partnership with prestigious institutions such as the Université Laval’s Laboratoire interdisciplinaire de la responsabilité sociale des entreprises (LIRSE), the University of Ottawa, the Institut de tourisme et d'hôtellerie du Québec (ITHQ), the International Reference Center for Life Cycle Assessment and Sustainable Transition (CIRAIG) and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).
This partnership allows us to rely on the latest scientific knowledge and best practices in Canada and at an international level and follow recognized standards, including ISO 20400, and guidelines.
Sustainable procurement barometer Report
Every edition of the Sustainable procurement barometer allows you to measure the overall sustainable procurement progress of Canadian organisations, but it also allows you to identify the organisations’ strengths as well as the areas needing improvement to focus their efforts. With their engagement, organizations could measure their own practices while contributing to the creation of a clear and inclusive nationwide vision of sustainable procurement.
Get Your Individual Results
Your individual result sheet will give you an overall evaluation of your sustainable procurement practices and allow you to compare yourself to the average of other organisations. This evaluation offers a unique perspective to identify challenges and means for many strategic and operational aspects.
Our outreach partners for the 2024 Barometer
Membres de l’ECPAR • Fédération des chambres de commerce du Québec • Buy Social Canada • Canadian Collaboration for Sustainable Procurement • Écocert • Ellio • Agéco • Union des municipalités du Québec • Services publics et Approvisionnement Canada • Université Laval • RECYC-QUÉBEC • CIRAIG • ITHQ • Réseau des femmes en environnement • Ville de Gatineau • Maillon Vert • Nixa