Frequently Asked Questions about the Sustainable procurement barometer 2024

This section contains respondents’ frequently asked questions when they fill out the 2024 Sustainable procurement barometer questionnaire. It helps respondents to answer to the best of their ability.

If you cannot find the answer you need or if you require any help, contact us at

1. Why participate in the Sutainable procurement barometer 2024?

Participating in the Barometer and completing the questionnaire provides a unique opportunity to objectively assess your organisation’s position on sustainable procurement. This questionnaire allows for a detailed analysis of your performance compared to a representative sample of organisations from various sectors and sizes across Canada. After participating and having the data analyzed by the researchers associated with the Barometer, you will receive a personalized scorecard in winter 2025.

Additionally, participation keeps you up to date with the latest trends and standards in sustainable procurement, including those based on ISO 20400. The Barometer is developed with contributions from experts at ECPAR, researchers from Laval University, the University of Ottawa, ITHQ, and lifecycle analysis specialists from CIRAIG, ensuring a rigorous and up-to-date methodology.

The results of this survey will be published in a report in winter 2025, providing a statistical overview of sustainable procurement practices in Canada. The Barometer aims to promote best practices and contribute to the goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

2. Who should complete this questionnaire?

This questionnaire is intended for organisations of all sectors and sizes.

In the public sector, it targets ministries, agencies, municipalities, as well as health, social services, and education institutions.

In the private sector, it targets both large organisations and SMEs from all fields, including the food industry.

It is recommended that the questionnaire be completed by the team or individual responsible for procurement, in collaboration with sustainability professionals and other relevant stakeholders.

3. What is the target for 2024?

For the 2024 edition, the goal is to collect responses from 500 organisations across Canada. This target includes organisations of various sectors and sizes, ensuring a representative view of sustainable procurement practices at the national level.

4. What are the new features in 2024 compared to the 2020 edition?

The 2024 Barometer introduces several improvements, such as:

  • A questionnaire tailored to both public and private sectors, as well as small and medium-sized organisations (SMEs).
  • A new pilot module dedicated to the food sector.
  • A redesign of components for a more intuitive questionnaire experience.

Responding to the questionnaire

5. How long does it take to complete the questionnaire?

It is estimated that completing the questionnaire will take 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the availability of your information and the size of your organisation.

6. Is the questionnaire available in multiple languages?

Yes, the questionnaire is available in both French and English. You can switch the language by clicking the "Language" button at the top right of the screen.

7. Can I go back while filling out the questionnaire?

Yes, you can go back at any time to modify your answers or add information by clicking the arrow at the bottom right of your screen. This feature allows you to take your time and ensure that all responses are accurate before submitting the questionnaire.

8. I don’t have all the required information. Can I save my responses and come back later?

You can save your responses at any time by clicking "Finish Later" at the top right. You will be asked to create an account by providing an email address to resume your progress later.

9. What is the impact of not answering certain questions in the questionnaire?

While non-mandatory questions allow you to submit the questionnaire without answering them, it is recommended to answer as many as possible. This contributes to a more accurate assessment of your organisation’s maturity level. Not answering these questions could limit the relevance of the results and recommendations obtained.

10. I don’t understand a question or term. What can I do?

You can refer to the ECPAR Sustainable procurement glossary to check the terms or concepts used in the questionnaire (link).

Methodology, data Collection, and analysis

11. What methodology is followed for the 2024 Barometer?

For the 2024 edition, after in-depth research, interviews, and focus groups, four new components of sustainable procurement were identified, along with 17 associated indicators:

  • Vision and challenges
  • Commitment and governance
  • Implementation
  • Measure and disclosure

The structure of the Barometer helps respondents evaluate their sustainable procurement approach on a five-level maturity or performance scale. It also serves as an internal and external communication and disclosure tool.

  • Level 1: Beginner
  • Level 2: Engagement
  • Level 3: Progression
  • Level 4: Maturity
  • Level 5: Exemplarity

Sustainable procurement implementation follows a management logic. Initially, organisations set a vision for their goals, then formalize this vision with commitments and establish governance to guide the process. Finally, they implement actions and measure progress and impacts.

12. How will the collected data be used?

This study adheres to the principles established by the "Policy on Responsible Conduct in Research, Creation, and Innovation" of Laval University.

To participate in this study, you must identify yourself. However, your data and results will remain strictly confidential. No result will be directly or indirectly associated with the name of an organisation or respondent. No individual result (including the organisation’s maturity level) will be made public or shared with third parties.

At the end of the questionnaire, you will have the option to consent or not to share your contact information with research professionals who may contact you for their professional activities.

Only aggregated data will be used to form a global statistical portrait and for research purposes. Responding organisations may choose, at their discretion, to publicly share their results.

After completing the questionnaire

13. Can I modify my answers after submitting the questionnaire?

Once your responses have been submitted, they cannot be modified. If you need to correct an error or add more details, please contact us at:

14. When will I receive my personalized scorecard?

The questionnaire is open from October 15 to November 22, 2024. Between December 2024 and March 2025, we will analyze the results and collect supporting documents for high maturity levels. In April 2025, we will publish the 2024 Barometer report, and you will receive your personalized scorecard.

Have additional questions?

If you cannot find the answer to your question, contact us at: